Saturday, February 6, 2010

Traynor Ygm-3 Copy Is The Traynor YGM-3 A Good Guitar Amp?

Is the Traynor YGM-3 a good guitar amp? - traynor ygm-3 copy

It is from the 70s, and comes with 3 preamp tubes and 2 power tubes. Phillip pipes are old. I play mainly rock, indie, and sometimes certain things distorted. Traynor amps are manufactured in Canada, and I think, who because of their age, a classical ambience, good. I am also very collectible. The person who sold it for $ 400, but negotiable. This and the Eminence speaker in it, but gives me the standard one Martian country. Is this a good investment for the aspect of music, as well as resale.



I do not think that it pay $ 400 for it ...... perhaps $ 270 This is a classic, but do not forget, you can buy a new field, Peavey, Marshall, Fender, or $ 400.

ensure that nothing burned at the Traynor amp, if you buy it. They are great amp, and has always existed. Steve Miller Band used.

Passion&... said...

Ask if you can plug your guitar-and-take a ride. If you think it sounds good and you want to set the tone, then you're set man! Good luck!

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